วันพุธที่ 20 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553



Last saturday,My department have a sciance game.It have difference sport, difference activity. It is a game for hamony.In game,I am a cheer leader. I race a team thirth. I am very excited. everydepartment are very try to their show.I know everybody very happy in this game. but the important thing I am very happy that is a cheer leader prize for my team , batminton prize and sakky girl prize for my friend. everybody look happy on that day. On that night,It have a mini concert contest. we are enjoy and fun in this concert. we are very impress a singer from Physics department.That night, I came back to home 0.30 a.m. and the morning I must to teach taekwondo to my student at seacon square 8.30 a.m. I am very try and sleepy but I must to teach when I go to dormitory I sleep until the morning .Although I am very try but I am very happy for this game this activity that I do with my friend.

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